What is UX strategy?

User Experience strategy (UX) is the step in process of creating a digital product that should be started first, before the design, development, or any other process.

UX strategy is the vision of a solution that needs to be validated with real potential customers to prove that it's desired in the marketplace. Although UX design consists of many details such as content messaging, visual design, and how easy it is for a user to find what is looking for. in a nutshell, UX strategy is the „Big Picture“ of the future digital products.

"You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology."

Steve Jobs

Why is UX strategy important?

It helps businesses translate their intended user experience to every touchpoint where people interact with the digital product. Good UX strategy ensures that your business vision, user needs, and technical capabilities align and prioritize a team's attention.

When designing a website or an app, it’s important to consider the totality of the customer journey and focus on all of the touchpoints a user will come into contact with. Do so, and we can deliver better and more memorable user experiences.